
Porter Street area history hike

Highland Park School 395 Porter St, Manchester, CT, United States

A unique neighborhood with historic and modern houses, reservoirs, a Nature Center, and the home of Hart Porter (1812-1891), whose house, built about 1820, is on the Connecticut Freedom Trail, […]

District walk with Christopher Paulin

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

Annual stroll through the silk mill district, with commentary on the Landmark status of the district, labor relations, worker housing, and historic buildings, such as Cheney Hall. Dr. Christopher Paulin […]


New Year’s Day walk on the Great Lawn

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

This free history walk features the "Great Lawn" and proceeds along streets and lawn to view historic mansions and the nine acres purchased by the Town in 2005 for open […]


Railroad history hike

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

Weather permitting -- the rail trail is not snow-shoveled -- we'll walk from south to north, tracing the route of the former railroad, built in 1869 to connect the Cheney […]

Railroad history walk

220 North Main Street Manchester CT 2 Main Street, Manchester

Hikers will have an easy, fairly flat, walk along the former railroad, built in 1869 to connect the Cheney silk mills to the main rail line in the North End. […]

North End history walk

Whiton Library, 100 North Main St. 100 North Main St., Manchester, CONNECTICUT

Enjoy the charm of the old North End, viewing what remains from the Urban Renewal of the 1960s. We'll visit Whiton Library, the "Y," Apel's Opera House (pictured), Woodbridge and […]