History Center


District walk with Christopher Paulin

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

Annual stroll through the silk mill district, with commentary on the Landmark status of the district, labor relations, worker housing, and historic buildings, such as Cheney Hall. Dr. Christopher Paulin teaches history at CT State Manchester, formerly MCC, and follows John Sutherland in leading this walk. Moderate pace, covering about 1.25 miles, in about 2 […]


Cheney Homestead Open House – note date

Cheney Homestead 106 Hartford Road, Manchester, CT, United States

Due to the special town-wide house tour (fundraiser for the Sculpture Project), the Homestead will be open in October only on the 26th. It will be closed in November.  Its usual schedule is 1:00 to 4:00 on the second Sunday of each month except holidays, and also by appointment and for special events. /$5 suggested […]

Meet & Greet with Sonya Owen

Manchester History Center 175 Pine Street, Manchester, United States

Historical Society member and former employee, Sonya Owen, has written the book Thanks for the Love of "The Hood," and will be at the History Center to talk about the book. There will also be artists and authors at the Meet & Greet. A book discussion and Q&A will take place from 5:30 to 6:30. […]

Event Series TV show — watch on Cox Cable or website

November TV show: Tea and Silk

ALL Saturdays during November, "Tea and Silk,” a 53-minute television show recorded June 9, 2024 at the Manchester History Center. Penny West tells the history of her ancestors through photogaphs and stories about Katharine Cheney Farley and Gustavus Farley. The show airs at 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. on Cox cable channel 15 on Saturdays, […]

Event Series TV show — watch on Cox Cable or website

November TV show: Tea and Silk

ALL Saturdays during November, "Tea and Silk,” a 53-minute television show recorded June 9, 2024 at the Manchester History Center. Penny West tells the history of her ancestors through photographs and stories -- featuring Katharine Cheney Farley and Gustavus Farley. The show airs at 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. on Cox cable channel 15 on […]

Cheney Homestead Special Holiday Open House

Cheney Homestead 106 Hartford Road, Manchester, CT, United States

Annual holiday open house with special decor by the Manchester Garden Club. View the 1785 Homestead at its holiday best! Art, furniture, tools, and kitchenware tell the story of this cozy house that was the residence of Cheney family members from 1785 to the 1960s. Its usual open house schedule is 1:00 to 4:00 on […]

Cheney Homestead Open House

Cheney Homestead 106 Hartford Road, Manchester, CT, United States

Come for a visit to the 1785 Homestead, rich with holiday decor, artistically arranged by the Manchester Garden Club. Art, furniture, tools, and kitchenware tell the story of this cozy house that was the residence of Cheney family members from 1785 to the 1960s. The family donated the house and grounds to the Manchester Historical […]

New Year’s Day walk on the Great Lawn

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

This free history walk features the "Great Lawn" and proceeds along streets and lawn to view historic mansions and the nine acres purchased by the Town in 2005 for open space and historic preservation. Cheney district commission members Tom Ferguson and Susan Barlow will comment on the historic landscape and buildings. There is some steep […]


Railroad history hike

Fuss & O'Neill 146 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT, United States

Weather permitting -- the rail trail is not snow-shoveled -- we'll walk from south to north, tracing the route of the former railroad, built in 1869 to connect the Cheney silk mills to the main rail line in the North End. At 2.5 miles, it was the shortest private freight-and-passenger railroad in the United States. […]


220 North Main Street Manchester CT 2 Main Street, Manchester

Due to ice on the trail, we are canceling today's Cheney Rail Trail walk. The website is not allowing edits on the actual listing, so listing THIS as the non-event. Questions: info@manchesterlandtrust.org