- Hazel Lutz envisioned a museum only for children, where they could learn and play, and not be told “Don’t Touch.”
- Joe McCluskey, “Manchester’s Greatest Runner” compiled by Susan Barlow
- Honoring Joseph McCluskey, a speech by Rick Dyer on 5/19/2017 at a reception at the History Center, Manchester.
- Connecticut AAU track meet results on letterhead of Manchester “Y,” director Joseph McCluskey 06/22/1947. Note that track standout and Olympian Joe McCluskey, brother of John McCluskey mentioned below, returned to Manchester after serving in WWII, and became director of the “Y” in Manchester’s North End.
- Newspaper clippings about a January 1937 track meet in Boston and crowd favorite Joseph McCluskey (1911-2002). Joe is credited with helping revive the Manchester Thanksgiving Day road race after WWII.
- Manchester Herald, 06/23/1973 article on “Shufflin’ Joe” McCluskey.
- Various articles about Joe McCluskey.
- Dr. Francis H. Whiton excerpt from 1892 “MEN OF PROGRESS” published by New England magazine
- Dr. Francis H. Whiton — transcription of a 1950s brochure
- Dr. Francis H. Whiton biography from the library’s website
- Dr. Francis H. Whiton in a special Bridge publication
- Mary Cheney Manchester philanthropist, part of a series by the Manchester Historical Society’s Public Information Committee, reprinted from The Manchester Evening Herald, January 25, 1967.
- Ralph Cheney, obituary of Ralph Cheney (1806-1897), reprinted from the South Manchester News.
- Elisabeth Bennet (1881-1959), principal of two Manchester public schools, was credited with many “firsts,” including establishing a school library in the basement of Barnard School with donations from friends and her own personal library.
- Reminiscences about Miss Bennet.
- Sculpture, videos, and song about Miss Bennet.
People from Manchester's past
- Manchester, Center of Historic Architecture (Platt, Richardson, Billings, Stanford White, et al) by Susan Barlow; many notable architects designed Manchester buildings!
- Gladys Adams (1910-2001), historian and author; 1992 profile in the former “Manchester Extra.” Gladys wrote this history of Buckland a 130-page book about the northwest section of Manchester.
- Women in the Manchester Road Race: A Matter of Gender (Julia Chase-Brand et al) by Ana Foley-Schain, and NY Times article about Julia Chase-Brand, Manchester Road Race
- Charles Cheney, (1803-1874) funeral, 1874 Courant article, and Charles Cheney, (1803-1874) street name. Charles Cheney lived for a time in Ohio, where he was a part of the Underground Railroad. This 1999 reprint describes the naming of a street after him. Charles did return to Manchester and was involved in the family silk business.
- Charles Cheney, (1866-1942), served as president and chairman of the board of Cheney brothers. This reprint includes pictures, an obituary, and notes about the mansion where he lived.
- Memoir: “Descent of the Founders of the Cheney Silk Industry” by Dorothy Cheney , 1880-1971. 150 copies privately published in 1960. Dorothy also wrote “Memories, 1917-1919,” about volunteering in hospitals in France during World War . She and her twin sister, Marjory, were daughters of Frank Woodbridge Cheney and Mary Bushnell Cheney. The February 1, 1971 obituary in the New York Times says, “Miss Cheney was a trustee of the Connecticut Junior Republic and the Visiting Nurse Association of Manchester and an honorary member of the 16th Connecticut Volunteer Regiment (Civil War). A March 30, 1916 article in The Hartford Courant notes that Dorothy Cheney was on the committee for an April 4 “tea and sale of fancy articles” at Tinker Hall, sponsoring an address by Emily Pierson, “under the auspices of the Equal Franchise League.”
• [World War I] “Memories” by Dorothy Cheney Dorothy Cheney wrote this small but very personal and interesting book about her experiences, along with her twin sister Marjory, while serving overseas with the Red Cross during World War I. Among other things, Dorothy was mentioned for bravery at the time of the bombardment of the American Hospital at Beauvais in 1918.
• Notes on Dorothy Cheney’s “Memories” book by Susan Barlow • Reflections on Dorothy Cheney’s “Memories” book Comments and observations from readers.
• Dorothy Cheney Attains Fame On Field of Battle Article from the Hartford Courant, June 9, 1918, about Miss Cheney’s activities under fire at Beauvais.
• “Gamut of Life” poetry book by Mary Pierson Cheney (1874-1949), written in the early- to mid-20th century; privately published in 1948. Mary and her husband, Horace Bushnell Cheney, had five children.
• Reminiscences of Ednah Dow Cheney (born Littlehale). Autobiography of Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney, wife and biographer of Seth Cheney. Published in 1902, it contains portraits of Seth Wells and Margaret S. Cheney, as well as portraits of the author herself. This Google book was scanned from one in the library of Radcliffe College.
• Memoir of Margaret Swan Cheney (1855-1882), by Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney A long out-of-print memoir, written by her mother. - Howell Cheney (1870-1957) obituary, reprinted from the Manchester Evening Herald
- notes about the technical school in Manchester named for Howell Cheney (1870-1957).
- John Cheney, artist, by the late Mark Sutcliffe.
- Catalogue of the Engraved and Lithographed Work of John Cheney and Seth Cheney On Google books. Book published 1891. Includes listings of their works, books with their illustrations, and names of their portrait subjects.
- John Cheney, artist, memoir by his sister-in-law. On Google books.
- Cheney Letters “The Letters of Mary Bushnell Cheney and Frank Woodbridge Cheney” compiled and edited in 1988 by Eileen R. Learned and dedicated to Horace Bushnell Learned. Privately published; 285-page spiral-bound booklet.
- Russell Cheney, catalogue of a 2001 exhibit at the Cheney Homestead, by Mary Dunne.
- Russell Cheney Manchester artist, by Susan Barlow.
- Wesley Gryk’s memoir about Russell Cheney.
- Seth Wells Cheney obituary, 1856 New York Times.
- Memoir of Seth Wells Cheney by his sister-in-law. On Google books
- Drawing by Seth Wells Cheney of his niece Rosalie Goodman.
- Ward Cheney (1813-1876) obituary. Ward was President of Cheney Brothers 1855-1876.
- Lacy and Isobel [Cobb] by Harry Cowles, from his memoir “My Random Thoughts,” reprinted in “The Storytellers” book
- Friendship: He was Dick [Cobb] and I was Johnnie by John H. McHugh
- “Honest Douglas” [Dumas] – Used Cars On Main Street by Susan Barlow
- Leon Fallot Brings 47-Year Photo Career to End by Malcolm Barlow
- From Your Neighbor’s Kitchen booklets, digitized and indexed.
- “Life and Times of Jeremiah Grady (1815-1897) by James Wood; includes information about Mr. Grady’s grandson, Jerry Fay (1897-1978), Manchester Sports Hall of Fame member.
- Anna Grimason’s family album 95-page booklet of family pictures and history, created in the 1990s.
- Lifelong Resident Elena Gutzmer (1923-2013) by Mike Walsh
- The Hibbard Family in the Old North End by Susan Barlow
- 50th Anniversary of the Hibbard Family store in the North End as published in the South Manchester News, April 2, 1897
- Elisha Hilliard Cooper, illustrated book about a descendant of the Hilliard family, famous in Manchester for the Hilliard Woolen Mills in the Hilliardville section of Manchester.
- Mrs. Howe’s Maternity Home, illustrated notes about Mary Howe’s maternity home at 52 Wadsworth Street, by Susan Barlow and Noreen Cullen.
- Conversations About the North End With Wally Irish from a 2005 interview by Fred D’Angelo
- William H. Jones and His Memoirs by Susan Barlow
- Tom Kelley Reminiscences Notes by Susan Barlow
- An Extraordinary Photographer, John Knoll, Jr. by Susan Barlow
- Tim McCann‘s letters from Vietnam, 1970, reprinted from “Old Manchester II…The Storytellers,” published by the Manchester Historical Society in 1995.
- Honoring John E. McCluskey by Susan Barlow
- Memoirs Reveal Manchester History by Susan Barlow
- Dr. D.C.Y. Moore reprinted obituaries from The Hartford Courant
- Manchester’s Amazing Moriarty Brothers by Gerald Demusey, Hartford Courant, August 19, 1951
- Moriarty Gets Chamber Award, Hartford Courant, August 16, 1964
- Photographer & Teacher Sylvian “Sinch” Ofiara honored for his legacy to Eastern CT Health Network in its 2013 Annual Report
- Memoir by Sylvian “Sinch” Ofiara, “When Capitalism Came to Hackmatack Street,” illustrated booklet of memories of Manchester in the 1930s. Also see: photos by Sinch and photos from his collection on this website.
- My Work in the WAVES: An Interview with Dorothy Gaynell (Denton) Olcott by Susan Barlow
- One of a Kind … The Grass Man (obituary of James B. Olcott) by Rev. Dr. George W. Reynolds
- Remembrances of James B. Olcott by (various)
- Photo collection of Gail Peck including Sheridan Hotel, Center Memorial Park, Armory, with commentary
- Reggie Pinto exhibit
- The Pitkins, part of a series by the Manchester Historical Society’s Public Information Committee, reprinted from The Manchester Evening Herald, June 28, 1967.
- Cigars and the Pohlmann Family compiled from various sources
- Fred B. Pohlman, Cigar Maker by Earl Yost
- Charles Adams Platt, architect, list of mansions he designed on the Great Lawn, by Susan Barlow
- Lewis M. Porter, Manchester Trail Maker by Susan Barlow, reprinted from Connecticut Woodlands, magazine of the Connecticut Forest & Park Association. His 1948 (revised 1964) Trail Map, of the Highland Park area.
- Violet S. Reid reminisces about her father, the auctioneer, excerpted from the Storytellers book published by the Manchester Historical Society
- Dave Rines: Manchester Man is a Machinist who Dismantles the Stereotypes by Susan Plese
- Historian John Rogers by Malcolm Barlow, Manchester Herald article reprinted in “The Storytellers” book
- Interview with Judge Jay E. Rubinow by Susan Barlow
- Roger Schubert‘s memoir, “No Guns on Sunday” about growing up in the 1930s and 40s on Cooper Street.
- Bob Samuelson recalls Manchester’s Early Days from a Sept. 2006 interview with Fred D’Angelo
- Emily Smith and International Friendship by Susan Barlow
- Mathias Spiess (1873-1959) by Anna McGuire, part of a series by the Manchester Historical Society’s Public Information Committee, in The Manchester Evening Herald, May 10, 1967.
- Tober Brothers and Meyer Tober — baseball factory by Susan Barlow
- In Memory of Frederick Towle — Interview By Susan Barlow
- Fred Ayer Verplanck articles by Harold E. Turkington and Dr. William E. Buckley
- Thomas Weldon and the Downtown of Yore by Susan Barlow
- L.T.Wood by Dave Ware
- Wunnee, Indian Princess book, by Mathias Spiess, published in 1934.

Joe McCluskey, “Manchester’s Greatest Runner”
Compiled by webmaster Susan Barlow Running legend Joseph Paul McCluskey was born in Manchester, Connecticut, on June 2, 1911, one of six children of John and Catherine (née McStea) McCluskey, who had both been born in Ireland. Joe grew up in Manchester and attended public schools. He died August 31,

Hazel Lutz And Her Dream
Reprinted with permission Hazel Lutz envisioned a museum only for children, where they could learn and play, and not be told “Don’t Touch.” Her dream came true in 1953, when Manchester’s PTA Council decided to sponsor a museum named in her honor. They listened to her idea of a place

Honoring Joe McCluskey
By Rick Dyer, archivist of the Manchester Road Race Committee Spoken at a reception celebrating Joe on Friday, May 19, 2017 Twelve-year-old Joe McCluskey bounds out the front door and onto the porch at 40 Foster Street. There’s a canvass newspaper bag slung over his shoulder. Joe is tall and