House Marker

Plaque for Old House
Manchester Historical Society

175 Pine Street    Manchester, CT 06040    (860) 647-9983

The Manchester Historical Society will provide (for a fee) a house marker plaque, made of composite PVC with vinyl lettering added, for people who wish to identify an older home in Manchester. Houses fifty years old, or more, qualify.

The sign measures approximately 16″x7″x1″ and will show the following:

Original Owner (if known)

Date Built (c. if exact date not known)

Manchester Historical Society

The applicant has the obligation to research and to provide the most accurate dates possible. The Society has the responsibility to verify the accuracy. 

House Marker Fee:

  • Historical Society Members: $60
  • Non-Members: $75


Please complete the form on this page and someone will be in touch to coordinate next steps.

House to be Marked:

Helpful Hints and Information

1. If you’re not certain of the year the house was built, provide a best-guess preceded by “c.” such as:  c. 1937.

2. Source materials could include deeds, tax records, whatever was used to find information about the house. Additional types of sources that are acceptable include land records, deeds, photos, town maps showing the house, fire insurance maps, family papers, probate records, and so forth.

3. If you are not a member of the Manchester Historical Society but an immediate family member (parent/spouse/child) is, you may indicate that you’re a member, but you’ll need to include the name of the person who is a Society member as well.

4. Please make your check payable to:  Manchester Historical Society.

5. The “Approved” line is for whoever from the Society checks the application for accuracy/completeness to sign off on. This line need not be filled in when the form and source materials are submitted to the Society.

6. If clarification of any of the fields on the form is needed, please either amend the form manually or use additional sheets of paper as necessary.

7. Complete this form and print off the first page, to be submitted along with your check and the source and clarification materials (if any) to:


Manchester Historical Society
175 Pine Street
Manchester, CT 06040


For questions, please call: (860) 647-9983 or email: