Manchester, Center of Historic Architecture

Historic People
Susan Barlow

Gladys Adams, Historian (1910-2001)

This article about Gladys Adams appeared July 23, 1992 in The Manchester Extra, a weekly insert in The Hartford Courant after the closing of The Manchester Herald in 1991. Gladys’s obituary says, “She retired as a statistical typist in 1971, working for Cheney Brothers Silk Manufacturer, Manchester, and Pratt &

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Historic Places
Susan Barlow

The Cheney Silk Mills

THE CHENEY SILK MILLS By Susan Barlow, Manchester Historical Society Beginning in 1838, Cheney Brothers built the silk mills that made Manchester famous and drew workers from throughout the United States and Europe. During the second Industrial Revolution (1860-1890), the Cheney business prospered, and eventually became the largest silk manufacturer

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Painting of Mary Cheney's garden.
Historic People
Susan Barlow

Miss Mary Cheney

Originally published in the January 25, 1967 Manchester Evening Herald. Webmaster’s notes: In the early days of the Manchester Historical Society, members wrote articles about the town’s past, which were published in The Manchester Evening Herald. This article, author unknown, was found and copied by Dick Jenkins and transcribed by

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